Full price: GBP 29 000.00
Grants available: European Economic Committee (GBP 21 500,00)
Grant cost: GBP 7 500.00
Audience: Management companies, Department Directors, CEO
Format: individual training with a Personal tutor.
Language: English or Russian (depending on region and nationality).
Form of education: distance, correspondence, digital technologies online.
Sociology - the science of society and the social world; Formation and development of sociology; Society as an object of scientific knowledge; The object and subject of sociology; Sociology structure; Sociology and political science;Sociology and other social sciences; Functions of sociology; Features of the formation and development of sociology in the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries; We note three fundamental considerations; Dialectical materialism and sociology; Classes and class struggle; Sociology in the early twentieth century; Society and personality. Social changes; Social and mental personality structure; The essence of the socialization process; Theoretical ideas about the direction of social change; Social evolution and social revolution; Formational and civilizational approaches to the study of society; Types of societies; Features of social transformations in modern society; Types of civilization development; Russia and catch-up modernization; Social change and social development; Social interaction and social structure; The classic concept of social action M. Weber; Concepts of action, interaction, social space and sociocultural dynamics in integral sociology P. Sorokin; General theory of social action of T. Parsons; The concept of action in the dynamic sociology of A.Turen; Theory of the communicative action of J. Habermas; Concepts of social action and social space P. Bourdieu; E.Giddens structuring theory; The concept of self-reference system N. Luman; Symbolic interactionism; Social Exchange Theories; Social structure of society; Social structure as a result of social differentiation; Sociological meaning and historical significance of the theory of classes and class struggle; Social groups and social communities, their typology; The essence of social stratification; Characteristics of social mobility in modern society.
Social institutions; Social organization as a process and hierarchical target system of social interaction; Social institutions as subjects of social change and development. Ideological functions of social institutions; Society as a regulated and managed social system; Place and role of social factors in the management structure; Management culture, its essence, features of formation; Social management; Social management as an independent branch of scientific knowledge; The essence and content of social management; History of managerial social thought; Laws and principles of social management; Social management methods; Goal-setting management; Strategic goal setting - a resource of crisis management; Value Impact in Social Management; Information support of social management; Social management system. Essence, content, structural elements of the system; Organizational relationships and organizational activities; Social leader of managerial type; Management decision making; Making joint decisions. Collegiate-liberal leadership style; Social control and management effectiveness; Management features in the XXI century; Geopolitics in modern management; The state is the main subject of social management; Social management as a system; Modern management and its classification; Social management system; Social systems and their components; Sociological research: its types, structure and functions; Methods of collecting sociological information; Sociological research in the structure of sociological knowledge; The main types and types of sociological research; Mapping the logic of sociological research in its program; Representativeness of the study; Sociological information, its main types; Sociological observation, especially its organization; The method of expert assessments, its types, features of the organization; Analysis of sociological information and sociological forecast.
Historical conditions for the emergence and development of social forecasting; The development of ideas about the future in the early stages of human existence. Presentation of primitive thinking. Religious, utopian and philosophical and historical roots. Forecasting Theories; Social forecasting at the turn of the XIX — XX centuries; Scientific-publicistic genre of "thinking about the future"; Historical, political and economic conditions for the formation of a technological forecasting paradigm; The development of social forecasting; "Antifuturological waves" A. Toffler; Club of Rome and its role in the study of the future; The current stage of development of future research. Global Studies and Alternative Studies; The concept of "technological forecasting" and its essence; Brief history of the emergence and development of the concept of "technological forecasting"; Methodology of technological forecasting (forms of concretization of foresight, typology of forecasts); Foresight, forecasting and prognostics; Forecasting tools; Technology predictive development of social processes; Drawing up a research program - pre-forecast orientation; Stages and procedures for developing a prognostic study program; Construction of the original base model and its analysis; Predicting background model building.
Forecasting of problem situations in the spheres of labor sociology and politics; Projections in the field of labor sociology; Sociology Policy Predictions; Expected and desired changes in the social structure of society, in social organization and social management; Forecasting of problem situations in the spheres of family sociology, education, science and medicine; Family Sociology Forecasts; Prospects for the beginning of the depopulation process; Forecasts in the field of sociology of education; Forecasts in the field of sociology of science; Forecasts in the field of sociology of medicine; Prediction of problem situations in the fields of sociology of culture, resettlement, ecology and crime; Forecasts in the field of sociology of culture; Forecasts in the field of sociology of resettlement; Environmental Sociology Forecasts; Forecasts in the sociology of crime; At the forefront of modern social prediction; The ripening of the fourth world war and the ways to prevent it; Personal cyborgization - process optimization.
Culturology in the system of socio-humanitarian knowledge: its structure and typology; Features of cultural studies; Culturology as an integrative scientific discipline; Tasks and functions of cultural studies; Structure (morphology) of culture; Material culture; Spiritual culture; Classification of values (conditional); Typology of culture; The main approaches to the historical typology of culture; Culture of social and ethnic communities; Professional and folk culture; Economic background and social functions of mass culture; Dominant culture, subculture, counterculture; Types of culture; Economic culture; Political culture; Functions of political culture; Legal culture; Functions of legal culture; Moral culture; Religion and culture; Religion structure; Art culture; Sign-symbolic function of art; Art as a catharsis; Historical stages of the formation and development of world culture: primitive culture, ancient east; The main features of primitive culture; Anthropomorphism; Traditionalism; Spiritual culture of primitive man; Forms of religion; Magic as a way of knowing and mastering the world; Myth as the main form of archaic consciousness; Myth functions; Culture of the ancient societies of the East; Dvorichche (Mesopotamia); Ancient Egypt; Ancient india; Ancient China; Historical stages of the formation and development of world culture: ancient Greece, ancient Rome and the European Middle Ages; Characteristic features of the ancient Greek culture; Anthropocentric culture presupposes the cult of the human body; Mythology, Philosophy, Science, Literature; Roman culture; Religion; Architecture; Science and art; Culture of the European Middle Ages; The origins of medieval culture; Antiquity and the Middle Ages; Christianity in the culture of the Middle Ages; Paganism in medieval culture; Carnival, laughter character of folk culture; Education and science in the Middle Ages; Knightly culture; Artistic culture of the Middle Ages.
Culture of the Renaissance, New Age and the twentieth century; Formation of the Renaissance culture; The ideas of ancient humanism; Science and art; Northern Renaissance; Culture of the New Age XVII-XIX centuries; The era of capitalism; The development of European science; The development of the educational movement; The development of science in the XIX century; The development of art and architecture; XX century culture; Science in the culture of the twentieth century; Art directions in the culture of the XX century; Musical culture of the twentieth century; Actual problems of culture: culture and civilization, culture and nature; Modern understanding of civilization; Development of the civilization theory of local cultures; Formation of world civilization; Culture and nature; Naturalistic concepts of culture and man; Modern forms of naturalism; Ecology; Actual problems of culture: culture and personality, language and culture; The interaction of culture and personality; Socialization of personality; The emergence of various psycho-cultural personality types; Language and culture. Language as an element of culture; Process of language; Forms of language existence; Artificial languages; Formation of ethnic identity; Search and regulatory forecast; Search Forecast: Forecast Search Technique; Problem situation and prospects for its development; Social problems and their systematization; Building a "tree of social problems"; Sequence of operations in the development of a search forecast; Regulatory forecast. Forecast verification; Idealization and prediction of ideal situations; Optimization and prediction of optimal situations; Standardization and forecasting of regulatory situations; Basic methods for predicting target situations; The sequence of operations normative forecast.
Political science as a science. Political system. Political science as an independent scientific discipline; The main paradigms of political science are theological, naturalistic, social and rational-critical. The place of political science in the system of social and human sciences; Methodology and methods of political research; History of political studies. Political ideas of antiquity and the Middle Ages; Political thought of the Renaissance and New Age; Modern political teachings of the West; Socio-political thought; Political elite as a subject of the political process; Causes and functions of political elites; The political elite of modern society; The political system of society; Types, structures and functions of the political system; Modern political system; Elections. Political regimes. Party Political conflicts. Election systems: mechanisms and procedures; Election campaign; Democratic Principles of Suffrage; Principles for the organization of democratic elections; The main types of electoral system; Election procedure; Political regimes; Democratic regime; Totalitarian regime; Authoritarian regime; Interest groups and parties; Political parties and their essence; Types of parties and party systems; The state as an institution of the political system of society; Political conflicts as a type of political relationship; Typology of political conflicts; Conflict management strategy; Civil society, its origins and features; The essence of politics and political science. Politics as a science and academic discipline; Functions of political science: philosophy, history, theory, sociology, psychology, anthropology, geography; Subject and object of political science; Social structure and social policy; The contents of the world of politics; Methods of political science; Place of political science in the humanities; Political life and socialization; Social control; The essence and content of the political life of society.
Sociology: problems and prospects; Changes in the modern world; Sociological issues: factual, comparative, developmental and theoretical issues; Intentional and unintended consequences of human actions; The development of a sociological worldview; Culture and society. Meeting cultures; Nature and nurture. Sociobiology; Semiotics and material culture; Types of premodern societies; The main features of the traditional state; Societies in the modern world; Industrial societies; Socialization; Socialization and life cycle; Early stages of infant development. The development of the senses; Babies and mothers; Formation of social reactions; Basic Theories of Child Development; Personal development; Stages of cognitive development; Family; Media; Resocialization; Socialization and individual freedom; Daily social life; Nonverbal communication; Social rules, conversations and conversation; Mutual understanding; Conversation forms; Face, posture and speech in the process of interaction; Situations and circumstances; Impression management; Collisions and personal space; Interaction in time and space; Cultural and Historical Perspective; Microsociology and macrosociology; Society and Deviant Behavior; Rules and Sanctions; Laws, Crime, and Punishment; Biological and psychological theories, crimes and deviations; Anomie as the cause of crime; Stigma theory; Rational choice and “situational” interpretation of crime.
Crime and crime statistics; Murder and other serious crimes; Crimes of rich people and people endowed with power; Government crimes; Organized crime; Politics, social pressure and psychiatry; The concept of mental illness; Deviations and social order; Gender and sexuality; Gender, Gender and Biology; Socialization and gender; Books and Stories; School and peer influence; Gender Identity and Gender: Three Theories; Patriarchate and production; Women and the workplace: a historical overview; Inequality in labor; Women's movements; Domestic Abuse; "Normal" sexual behavior; Sexual behavior; Power structures; Stratification and class structure; Theories of Stratification in Modern Societies;The complexity of class systems; Differences in wealth and income; Reputation method; Qualified professionals, managers, administrators; White-collar, blue-collar: feminization and proletarianization; Class division and gender; Social mobility; Poverty and inequality; Ethnicity and race; Ethnic groups, minorities and races in pluralistic societies; Minorities; Race and Biology; Ethnic contradictions, prejudices and discrimination; Authoritarian personality; Ethnicity and childhood; Sociological interpretations; Ethnic relations in historical perspective; Race, racism and inequality.
Groups and organizations; Types of associations; Bureaucracy; Non-oligarchic organizations; Factors Affecting Organizations in the Modern World; Supervision and discipline in organizations; Politics, government and state; State Characteristics; Modern states; Citizens' rights; Party systems; Political parties and voting; Theories of state overload and crisis of legitimacy; Women's participation in politics; Non-institutionalized political actions; Replenishment of the elite, prestige and privileges; Totalitarianism; War and military forces; Past military action; Industrialization warriors; Total war; Types of military organization; Characteristics of the modern armed forces; Military, politics and society; Military-industrial complex; Global military spending and armament; War and global security; Social institutions; Kinship, marriage and family; Genesis of the family; Family Shift Worldwide; New family forms; Impacts on family and marriage now; Divorce and termination of marriage; Single parent family; Remarriage and step parents; Alternatives to marriage and family.
Education, communication and media; Gender and school education; Intellect and Inequality; IQ and genetic factors; Communication and Media; Newspaper publishing; The influence of television; Religion; Definition of religion and magic; Varieties of religions; Theories of Religion; Types of religious organizations; Religious images; Membership in religious organizations and faith; Religious fundamentalism; Labor and economic life; Division of labor; Work and alienation; Low and high trust systems; Automation; Trade unions and industrial disputes; Strikes; Corporations and Corporate Power; Types of corporate capitalism; Unemployment; Informal economy; Social changes in the modern world; Globalization of social life; Third World Societies; The economic consequences of colonialism; Food production and the problem of world hunger; Imperialism; Theory of the World System; Transnational corporations; International Economic Integration; Non-state structures; Global retail chains; Threat to the global environment; Globalization of the media.
Team formation and management system; Teamwork culture; Behavioral Compliance System; Axiology is a theory of values; Malthusianism is part of classical economic theory; Culture and cultivation; Cultural boundaries; Transfer of cultural codes; Synergy and entropy in the corporate environment; The role and value of dialogue in the corporate environment; Comparative analysis of team management methodologies. Coaching, Tutoring, Tracking, Mentoring, Training, Moderation, Facilitation, Cape Cod Model. Inclusion; Organizations as social systems; Money, as a tool for managing the system, “energy of money”.
Will and volitional efforts; The meaning of life and the road to the realization of meanings; Triggers and weak points of a person's personality; Emotionality: enemy or friend; Risks and barriers in the implementation of management decisions; Intelligence and reasoning; Types of thinking: systemic, creative, critical, “strategic”; Brain work (alpha, beta ...), a new look in the new millennium (a system for determining significance, a central performing network, etc.); Intuition in life and business relationships; Judgment, opinion formation and decision making. Management axioms; Delegation; Processes within the organization; Power; Leadership and charisma. Leadership skills, behavior and processes; Leader as a teacher; Complexes of the Head; VUCA-world; Agile - approaches; Digital transformation and human psychology; Implementation and maintenance of changes in organizations; Mental traps; Visionary work; Owner's psychology and traditions; Wealth and society in different countries, taxes and taxpayer psychology.
Will and volitional efforts; The meaning of life and the road to the realization of meanings; Triggers and weak points of a person's personality; Emotionality: enemy or friend; Risks and barriers in the implementation of management decisions; Intelligence and reasoning; Types of thinking: systemic, creative, critical, “strategic”; Brain work (alpha, beta ...), a new look in the new millennium (a system for determining significance, a central performing network, etc.); Intuition in life and business relationships; Judgment, opinion formation and decision making. Management axioms; Delegation; Processes within the organization; Power; Leadership and charisma. Leadership Skills, Behavior and Processes; Leader as a teacher; Leader's Complexes; VUCA-world; Agile - approaches; Digital transformation and human psychology; Implementation and maintenance of changes in organizations; Mental traps; Visionary work; Owner's psychology and traditions; Wealth and society in different countries, taxes and taxpayer psychology.
PhD - Candidate of Science - Doctor of Science. Requirements for candidates. Features of research work in the social and humanitarian direction. The ability to work at the intersection of scientific areas and disciplines. Choice of research topic. Relevance and scientific novelty. The purpose and objectives of dissertation research. Hypotheses. Methodology. Justification of the selected methods and their approbation (if necessary). Description of the main concepts and opinions on the issues under study. Thesaurus. Role of the pilot study (as needed). How to write a dissertation research. The main stages of work on the text. Substantiation of the structure of the text. Typical mistakes and positive examples. Design features, technical requirements. General results of the research / conclusions of the candidate. Scientific reference apparatus. Referencing, reviewing and reviews. Publication of parts of the study and the importance of participating in scientific conferences at various levels. Refereed publications. Dissertation defense: procedure and requirements. The procedure for awarding the required scientific degree. Post-dissertation work: publications, responses to reviews, etc. Determination of further directions of work (scientific, educational applied, etc.).v
The concept of a practical course
The course will reveal the meanings of the main philosophical categories of world cultures, such as good, evil, justice, religion, God, the absolute, the truth, and their perception by people in different historical eras and societies. Special attention will be paid to the historical periods of antiquity and the Middle Ages, as well as their influence on modern life. The course will provide an opportunity to understand and realize the basic cultural codes, historical and religious patterns that were and remain the axis of the spiritual life of human communities, and without which it is impossible to get an adequate picture of modern life on Earth.
Course objective
Studying the course will show the connection of the philosophical meanings of the past with the present, allow doctoral students to trace the continuity of historical patterns and teach them to perceive the world without borders.
Modern people using computers and mobile phones, spending most of their time in the virtual space, are connected with the axial categories of culture no less than people of the past. It is from the understanding of these historical meanings that today's decisions of most of the most pressing issues, from public to personal, follow.
Teaching method
In the process of learning, a unique phased method of presentation of material prepared in the style of the best classical philosophical schools will be used. The presentation of the material will resemble an exciting computer game, where the course will be organized from easier to more complex levels, and philosophy and cultural studies will become your weapon for solving the most complex external and internal problems. The proposed educational concept is that philosophy and culture are not boring disciplines, but an exciting intellectual game for the development of free thinking, in which everyone can take part.
not provided by program status
Graduate Diploma in Doctor of Philosophy
British Business Academy Research & Teaching International, United Kingdom.
Graduate Diploma in Doctor of Philosophy
Singapore Academy of Corporate Management, Singapore.